Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 11 New Albany Day Off

Not much to tell today. We took in a movie last night, which made us feel oddly part of society again. Today we all slept in and gorged ourselves on the free breakfast at the motel.

April is out lounging by the pool, and Andy is alternately sleeping, watching TV, and diving into his horded stash of stuff from the free breakfast buffet.

I've been working on my bike most of the morning, hard-core cleaning the chain, derailleur, and such. The staff here at the Holiday Inn Express is a riot, they have a great sense of humor and had no trouble with me rolling my room chair out into the back parking lot to work on the bike. They even gave me a toothbrush for scrubbing in hard to reach areas. So that and a bit of carburetor cleaner has me back in business... Completing it all Betty, the head of maintenance, kept me company smoking cigarettes while I liberally sprayed carb cleaner 3 feet away. Fabulous!

I've done all my chores, and have only to pack everything up in order to be ready for the morning...

With any luck we may be able to cross into Tennessee tomorrow. Not sure of our final destination, but we've got several options depending on how hard we decide to push it. The weather patterns seem to be shifting and so we must now contend with the very real possiblity of storms. I am not looking forward to rain-slick roads, logging traffic, and lightning. Of course on the bright side, the heat from the noon-day sun won't be quite so intense!


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Anonymous said...

John, So how is your bike trip going? Have you had a lot of fun yet? This is day 12 for you now, right? That one guy riding with you is kind of cute!!! Who is that? Ha Ha. I hope the rest of the trip is good for you, and you don't hit a lot of rain. Write me back, if you want to!!! Ride hard!!! Take care. Your sister, Julie Leopold :)

Anonymous said...

John and crew, greetings from DGF!

Enjoy the stories and can't wait to hear the tales as you work your way through the hills of Tennessee and Kentucky. There is a reason whiskey was developed there. :)

Stay safe!

Thomas Gravel

Mary K. Wickersham said...

This one is for April - Corey is keeping us updated. Hope the muscles and feet aren't to sore from all the hills and that the new route is a little kinder to you and the others. Hang in there - We are thinking and praying for you - Love, Mom Mary, Dad Steve

Leopold said...
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